21 August - NZ Tenere Tour,Christchurch Event

NZ Ténéré Tour!!!
With the much-anticipated adventure ready Ténéré 700 due for arrival towards the end of the year, Yamaha Motor New Zealand is inviting you to celebrate with us as we embark on a National roadshow, bringing this exciting new model to a city near you.
You're invited to be one of the first in the country to get up close and personal with this exciting new lightweight adventure model. Three units, presented in three different guises will appear at selected venues across New Zealand.
Auckland 6-9pm Friday 16th August 2019 / Blush Studios /Freemans Bay
Wellington 2-5pm Sunday 18th August 2019 / QT Museum Hotel
Christchurch 6-9pm Wednesday 21st August 2019 / Passengers & Co / Russley, Christchurch
While there is no cost to attend, numbers for each event are strictly limited, so registration is mandatory. Where registrations for an event exceed the places available, invitations will be issued on a first-in first-served basis. Note that due to the pre-production status of these units, they are not able to be test ridden.
to register head here...