NEW DATE 35th March Hare Rally 28-29 Oct 2022

Its all go... further details on their website
update from the March Hare Rally team below...
As many of you will now be aware, due to Covid19 and the Traffic Light System, we have had to make the tough call to postpone this year’s rally. The rally will now be held on the 28th & 29th October 2022 at the Waimate Showgrounds.
If you have purchased tickets for the 2021 or 2022 rallies, these are still valid.
There is no need to re-purchase tickets if you already have tickets for 2021 or 2022 (unless you have requested these be refunded or donated).
If you are still planning on attending this year’s rally on the postponement date of 28th and 29th October 2022, you don’t need to do anything.
If you would like to refund either the 2021 or 2022 tickets, you will need to:
1. Email us at:
2. Provide the following information:
* Email address the tickets were purchased from
* Your Full name, as well as the full name the tickets were purchased under if this is different
* Please also provide the ticket code from your original ticket if you can.
If possible, please email us from the email address you originally purchased your tickets from.
This information you provide to us is used to find your tickets and facilitate the refund, it will not be used for any other purpose, and will be destroyed after the rally is finished.
Refunds will be provided through PayPal using your original email address used to purchase the tickets due to security reasons. Only in rare circumstances will we consider issuing a refund to an alternate email address, most commonly due to a change in email. We do not refund to bank account numbers for security reasons as well as to minimize transaction fees.
If you have issues with this, we are happy to answer questions and work with you, just send us an email at
Please be patient!!
We have been processing huge numbers of refunds, with many of them taking substantial time to track down people and information to facilitate the refunds. We will get to your request, but you can help us by giving us the information we need to proceed. Please understand that because of this we are ofter unable to respond to all emails quickly.
March Hare Rally Ticket Team